Help:Terms and conditions: Difference between revisions

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m (Charles Cresswell moved page Help:Terms and Conditions to Help:Terms and conditions)
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Revision as of 10:19, 12 July 2013

The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) as a professional body and educator of treasury professionals is both a first and second source for the treasury profession. This wiki therefore contains both original research, comment and opinion as well as material based on the work and publication of other bodies.

All content policies on this page are in addition to the ACT's standard terms and conditions[1]. These content policies may be revised at any time.

Verified content

Articles on this site may be either in an un-verified or verified state. The former is indicated by a warning on the article page and indicates that the current version of the article has not yet been examined by an ACT technical expert. However no warranty is given or implied regarding the accuracy or fitness of any article on this wiki regardless of whether the article is in a verified state, and all information is used at the visitor's own risk.

Copyright and re-publication

By posting on this website you grant the ACT a perpetual non-exclusive right to the content for use on this website, and for fair use citation (see below) in related publications by the ACT and others. No transfer of ownership is implied by this non-exclusive right.

You also agree that the submitted content may be edited, updated and removed as deemed appropriate to the aims and editing style of this website by the ACT or other contributing editors.

Content on this site may not be reproduced in whole without the express permission of the ACT except in the case of the original rights holder who maintains full ownership of the original version of the submitted content to publish as that person or entity sees fit.

Any content submission may be refused or later removed by the ACT without explanation. The publication of any submitted contribution does not imply that the ACT either supports or warrants the usefulness and accuracy of that content.

This wiki may include content which is fully available in the public domain, in which case the ACT claims no particular right to use or restricted use of the content, except in so far as the content is original writing describing the public domain concept.

Fair use citation

Organisations may re-publish up to 10% of any article's word count in either print or electronic format (or both), but must include a link to the original article source on for each re-publication made. Re-publication in these terms means each time a single article is quoted whether on one page or screen, or multiple screens. Each link must be clearly visible and associated with the quote, and may be embedded within the quote.

Copyright complaints and removal requests

If you believe that you are the rightful owner of content which has been added to this site without your permission, you may contact us at requesting either:

  • an appropriate citation or citation link in the the article footer.
  • reduction of the amount of published content and an appropriate citation or citation link in the article footer.
  • removal of the content.

You must provide full details of your ownership of the content including where and when it was originally published, and the change you would like made to the article page(s). We will respond as quickly as possible to your request but only once we have properly verified the source of the content.

Contributing content

Direct editing of The Treasurer's Wiki will soon be available to ACT members and students and selected non-members.

If you wish to contribute content from an external article or research that you have authored then you may submit the article for review. The submission should include:

  • The article title
  • The extent of the content to be used
  • Related pages on the The Treasurer's Wiki that the content will reference
  • The link to the original publication location which will be used as an external link or footnote reference (this may not be a direct commercial link)

By submitting an article to the ACT you accept that you are giving the ACT the perpetual non-exclusive right to publish the article in full or part on any location on this website (but not on any other ACT website). Each use of the content on a website page will include one or more references, and where possible, linked to the original source material.

Commercial ACT content

The ACT provides a number of commercial products to the treasury profession including qualifications, training, publications, seminars and events. The content in these products is not in the public domain and may not be posted on this wiki without the prior approval of the ACT and may be removed without notice. If in doubt, please contact for advice.

The ACT reserves the right to publish paid pages on its wiki. These will be clearly marked as sponsored articles and advertisments.

Linking policy

  • Links to any page of the site are permitted and may be made without request from either public websites, intranet websites or mobile applications.
  • You must not link directly to any image or media on this site
  • Wiki articles may not be embedded within the web page of another website.
