Cryptoasset exchange
From ACT Wiki
Cryptoassets - cryptocurrencies - intermediaries.
Cryptoasset exchanges may undertake one or more of the following services, either as a principal or an intermediary:
- Buying or selling cryptoassets for money.
- Exchanging one cryptoasset for another.
- Operating an automated system to do either of these.
See also
- Algorithm
- Bank of England
- Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN)
- Centralised finance (CeFi)
- Contagion
- Crypto
- Cryptoassets
- Cryptocurrency
- Decentralised finance (DeFi)
- Distributed ledger
- Ecosystem
- Exchange
- Financial intermediary
- Financial stability
- Governance
- Platform
- Prudential
- Real economy
- Regulation
- Retail
- Risk evaluation
- Risk transmission
- Smart contract
- Stewardship
- Supervision
- Systemic risk