ACT Wiki:General disclaimer

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The ACT technical disclaimer, is available here, but is copied below for information. Use of this wiki should be considered in the same context as asking a question of our technical queries service.

Technical disclaimer

Neither the ACT nor any of its officers or employees nor any persons from whom it seeks advice in response to questions raised via this website can accept responsibility or liability (express or implied, contractual, tortious or otherwise) for the accuracy, correctness or timeliness of any such response.

Accordingly, users of this service should not rely on such advice but should consider taking their own independent professional advice. The views and opinions expressed in any such response are not necessarily those of the ACT or of the members of its Council. In no event should any response be viewed as investment advice. Any user of this service who requires advice on investments or securities should obtain it from an organisation duly authorised under applicable legislation.

A treasurer's perspective

Articles on this wiki may include a section called A treasurer's perspective. This section may suggest how this issue or definition is of particular interest to a practicing treasurer. Nothing in this section should be considered as part of the definition and is provided only as a possible view to consider, but not as advice to follow.

External links