ACT Competency Framework

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Overview of the Framework

The ACT Competency Framework is the result of consultation with senior treasurers, banks and learning and development teams.

The framework defines the competencies treasurers need to operate successfully in global business today.

It identifies three key areas of treasury competency:

  • Technical skills
  • Business skills and
  • Behaviourial skills

The skills a treasurer needs over their career varies according to seniority.

For this reason the competencies have been benchmarked and mapped to different job levels:

  1. Tactical
  2. Operational
  3. Managerial and
  4. Strategic

Whether you are looking to take your first steps into treasury, are heading up a global treasury department or need to recruit or train a treasury team, the competency framework offers you guidance on what the global standards are for successful treasury.

Technical skills

Treasury technical skills in the framework include:

Context of treasury
Ethics and corporate governance
Financial risk management
Corporate financial management
Treasury operations

Business skills

The treasury business skills identified by the framework are:

Financial management
Knowledge and information management
Planning and projects

Behavioural skills

Treasury behavioural skills are identified in the framework as:

Commercial drive and organisation
Self management and accountability
Influencing skills
Working effectively with others

See also

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