Kyoto Protocol
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Environmental risk management - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997, was an extension and implementation of the UNFCCC.
Signatories committed themselves to reduce or limit greenhouse gas emissions in two commitment periods expiring in 2012 and 2020 respectively.
The Kyoto Protocol - as amended - covers the following seven greenhouse gases:
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Methane (CH4)
- Nitrous oxide (N2O)
- Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
- Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
- Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
- Nitrogen trifluoride (N3O)
For the first commitment period, the gases covered were the first six listed above. Nitrogen trifluoride (N3O) was added for the second commitment period.
See also
- Climate change
- Climate change: testing the resilience of corporates’ creditworthiness to natural catastrophes
- Climate risk
- Green Climate Fund
- Greenhouse gas (GHG)
- Methane
- Paris Agreement
- Protocol
- Risk management
- United Nations
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)