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(B)/W to Administrative Receiver
Administrative expenses to BCG
BCL to Board of directors
Board reserved powers to CMA Canada
CMBS to Challenger bank
Change consultant to Consequential risk
Conservative to Currency forward contract
Currency futures to Developer
Developing country to EMVCo
EMV card to European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
European Investment Bank to Federal Funds Rate
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Funded scheme
Funding to Group payment arrangements
Group relief to ILSA
ILTR to Interest rate optimisation
Interest rate option to Language model
Large-cap to MSci
MSt to Multiple bar chart
Multiples valuation to Northern Ireland Executive
Nostro to PPP
PQ to Pre-tax
Pre-transaction risk to RFP
RFR to Retention of title
Retention ratio to SWF
SWIFT to Sovereign social bond
Sovereign wealth fund to T1
T2 to Trading credit
Trading debit to Unrewarded risk
Unsecured to Zero coupon bond
Zero coupon rate to €STR