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(B)/W to Administration order
Administrative Receiver to BC
BCBS to Board for Actuarial Standards
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to CM
CMA to Certificate of title
Certification to Connected person
Consensus forecast to Currency
Currency bank accounts to Designated investment firm
Determination to EMIR
EMMI to European Free Trade Association
European Freight Trades Association to Fed
FedNow Service to Fully planned economy
Functional currency to Gross up
Gross yield to IHBaaS
IIF to Interest rate collar
Interest rate derivative to LYNX
Labour to MPT
MPhil to Multicurrency cross-border pooling
Multicurrency facility to Non ring fenced bank
Nonprofit to POBO
POC to Power of a test
Power purchase agreement to RBS
RC to Retail Prices Index
Retail bond to STI
STIBOR to Solution-focused coaching
Solvency to Systematic sampling
Systemic Risk Buffer to Trade payables
Trade receivables to Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Health Coverage to ZIRP
ZLB problem to €STR