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Sales and marketing.
The corporate activity of promoting and selling goods and services, including advertising.
Some organisations outsource some of their marketing activities.
See also
- 24/7
- 3Cs of marketing
- 5Ps of marketing
- Capital market
- Cash market
- Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
- Commodity
- Competition
- Competitor analysis
- Customer
- Debt capital market (DCM)
- Deep market
- Demand
- Differentiation
- Efficient market
- Efficient market hypothesis (EMH)
- Emerging market
- Equity market
- Financial markets
- Free market
- Goods
- Market
- Market analysis
- Market environment matrix (MEM)
- Market maker
- Market mechanism
- Market price
- Market risk
- Market taker
- Market value
- Marketing mix
- Off-market
- Outsourcing
- Penetration
- Primary market
- Product Market Matrix (PMM)
- Promotion
- Regulated market
- Retail
- Revenue
- Sales
- Secondary market
- Services
- Single Market
- Spot market
- Supply
- Wholesale